Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Brain about to explode, ha!

Dr. Carlos Brokamnn with one of our professors

Moi - don't know how to rotate the pic
 The whole day was about "Mexico Profundo" and "El Laberinto de la Soledad" it was about how many of us, hispanics, negate our "indian" background and the richness of our historical past, mostly without even knowing it, but it happens.  Eventhough I had read the assigned reading, I learned so much from listening to everyone else's point of view - I am not always right, who knew? ha!

In the afternoon we went to Capilla Alfonsina, a book depository (it reminded me of the wonderful novel La Sombra del Viento - The Shadow of the Wind).  Dr. Carlos Brokmann Haro, an archeologist, lectured in more detailed about "Mexico Profundo."  It was wonderful, but my brain was about to explode with all that information and my butt was sore - I am not used to sitting.

It rained again!  Several of us were at a grocery store when it started raining.  Many colleagues were concerned, they had never seen it rain that hard, I think we saw Noah's arch!  Within in an hour it stopped, oh the sub-tropics!

My host family is sooo nice and such a great cook.


  1. I have read "Shadow of the Wind", I think. Is it Carlos Zafron? I of course, read it in English. Great book for book lovers!


  2. Thanks Pam, I couldn't remember the name of the author.
